Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dr. Scholls Active Series insoles

It's been a while since my last post! I've been trying to keep on track!
Recently, I was sent some shoe insoles from Dr. Scholls Active Series courtesy of influenster! I've been using them for about a week now and I must say...they are great! They have really helped ease my shin splint pain. I started working out last Jan. and have noticed I am very prone to shin splints and sometimes they are so painful I have to ice and stay off of my legs for a few days! So far with these insoles....things have been going well!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Good nutrition and tracking what you eat...REALLY does pay off!

I woke up this morning knowing that today was my "official" weigh in day. UGH...I LOATHE the scale...I mean really LOATHE it.

I was lying in bed when I hear my husband yelling at me from the bathroom that he has lost even more weight. I do have to brag on him a bit...he looks GREAT! He has lost a significant amount of weight since starting his career with Southwest Airlines. He works outside on the ramp and is constantly moving and loading and unloading bags from airplanes. I think he is actually thinner than he was when we first started dating! :-)
All bragging aside for a bit..... Don't you just hate how men can lose weight without even trying or changing their diet? I mean come on!!! If I even look at a piece of pizza or a slice of cake I gain 10lbs.
 However, this week I have been really good with keeping track of my eating and I did workout twice this week...( didn't make it to Thursday nights class) so I hopped on the scale this morning not really thinking that I would see a change but low and behold I did! I even got off and on the scale 3 different times and all 3 times the same results! I am down.....................................................................................................................................
a whole 9lbs!! YES, that is correct!! I lost 9lbs in a week! I ate really good 4 out of the 7 days and 2 of the days I went over my calories but not by much. I guess working out along side of eating right really does help boost your metabolism! I'm thrilled and this is just the motivation I needed to keep going. I know this is going to be a long process but it will be well worth it once I reach MY finish line!

To all those struggling...YOU GOT THIS!!!

Till next time

Be Blessed,

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Getting it together

It's been 1 week since I started jazzercise and my blogging journey! I wish I could say I have done well and lost weight but unfortunately I cannot.

I was able to attend 2 jazzercise classes last week. Tuesday nights class did me in!! I woke up Wednesday unable to move ANY part of my body. I was used to having sore muscles from working out at the gym but this was different. It was a WHOLE body ache. It's a good means that whatever I was doing was working but I was SOOOO not prepared for the achiness! I missed Thursday nights class because of the soreness. I'm READY to see what Monday night will bring!

I've been using my fitness pal to log my food everyday. It does work if you track EVERYTHING you put in your mouth! This is what I struggle with most.'s everywhere and let's face it you need it  in order to survive. I do fine throughout the day but it's at night that I lose all control. I have no idea why I do this to myself. It could be from the stress of the day, boredom, self-sabotage. I don't know, all I know is that I have to figure out a way or something to occupy my time when I get that way. That overwhelming ravenous feeling that I have to have something and I don't care what it is I just need it NOW!!! UGH....then I end up hating myself afterwards. Why can't I just get rid of this habit? I WORKED so hard to lose those 30lbs and now I'm just right back where I started....WHY, WHY, WHY????? Am I having a pity party for myself...sort of! I know it's my fault and no one else's so it's not like I can point the blame onto someone else. I think that is what stinks the most... that it's MY fault.

We have an upcoming trip planned in a few weeks and honestly I am terrified. I'm afraid my seat belt on the plane wont buckle. I know this is petty but it's a real fear of mine. I'm 33 yrs old....I don't want to have to ask for a seat belt extension!! Why am I telling you all this....because I feel like if it's out there for everyone to read maybe I will (no pun intended) buckle down and get it ALL together this week....both exercise and my nutrition! I have to keep telling myself.....................YOU are WORTH IT...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!

Till next time,

Be Blessed


Monday, September 2, 2013

Whew...what a workout

WOW!!  Today was my FIRST jazzercise class and kicked my tail!!

I had no idea what to expect but I was a bit nervous. Everyone was very welcoming and so very nice! There were people of all ages and fitness levels in the class so that relieved me some!
We started off with a warm up then a 30min cardio workout followed by strength training,abdominal workout,stretching and cool down. I wasn't sure I was going to make it all the way thru but I kept it up and finished! 
I at first couldn't really keep up with the steps but she does modify it for those that need less impact...whew! That still kicked my butt though. I'm sure the more classes I go to the better I will get with following the steps. I got a GREAT full body workout and I am so excited to go back tomorrow night!!

Here is my before my workout pic and my after....
 I'm ready to start this journey and I'm excited to be able to share it!!

Be Blessed


Friday, August 30, 2013


So, I'm not even really sure how to go about blogging but here goes!

This is my first entry and I thought I would introduce myself and tell you what this blog is going to be about!

My name is April. I am 33 years old have 2 gorgeous children and have been married for 13 yrs.
I've struggled with my weight just about my whole life. YES, this is a weight loss blog!! If  no one reads this at least I will have an outlet to go to and post my feelings, my struggles, and my VICTORIES!
Over the last 8yrs I have really struggled with my weight and have put on over 100lbs. You see it wasn't because I was fat and lazy and just didn't care about myself. I had an 18month old baby that needed her momma. My daughter was diagnosed with a very rare childhood cancer called PleuroPulmonary Blastoma. She had 6 major operations and over a year of chemotherapy. Then mixed in with that my husband lost his job and was unemployed for 2yrs. case that wasn't enough...we welcomed our son into our lives in 2009 and just 2 yrs later we learned he had Autism Spectrum Disorder. So, the term STRESSED OUT is clearly an understatement for me. I'm a huge stress eater and the effects that stress puts on your body are CRAZY.
I spent many nights in the ER thinking I was having a heart attack when in reality it was anxiety,fear, and sometimes even a FULL BLOWN panic attack. I was officially diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(yes, people other than military can get this horrible disorder). I've kept it at bay using meds but it still eats at me.
This past January I sought out help to lose weight...Ive tried, exercise,weight watchers and I just couldn't stay with it! My Doctor suggested weight loss surgery. The thought of it scared me but I was willing. I wanted the weight off and like EVERYONE does wanted it off NOW! So, I sat thru the surgery class and filled out tons of papers and spoke with insurance. Everything was in place and set to go for me to have the surgery. I just had to pick a date! One night I was browsing Face book and noticed that our local news station was searching for moms who wanted to start the new year trying to lose weight. I sent in an entry ..I thought OK this is my last attempt at trying to do this by myself!! The next day a trainer emailed me and asked me for my height, weight and if I was available to start that following Monday. I was shocked and happy at the same time. I showed up that Monday morning not knowing what to expect. He gave us an overview of what the next 12-weeks would be like and the next day we started our workouts.

I have NEVER been more mortified in my life. That first work-out is one I will NEVER forget. He had us just get down on the floor and get back up. Should be a simple task...right?  Well, I managed to get I think 3 of them in before my legs gave out and I literally could not get up off the floor. My legs wouldn't move,my trainer and another one  of the moms had to help pick me up off the floor. I wanted to cry and go running into the locker room but I couldn't. For one... my legs wouldn't let me and 2.... I didn't want them to see how embarrassed I was. I could have easily quit but that was a turning point. I NEVER gave up and continued on and I saw myself getting stronger with each workout. They were HARD...I'm not going to lie but I did it and am happy to say that I FINISHED the program at the end of the 12 weeks and lost 10inches in my waist and 30lbs.

My Before and After!


Since then STUPID me has gone back to my old eating habits and quit exercising. I've gained a lot of my weight back and DAMN IT I worked to hard to let all that work just slip away. So, I just signed up at our local Jazzercise and plan on going to the classes 3-4 days a week. My first class is Monday and I'm excited to see what it's about and get myself back on track! I'll be posting a couple times a week and will probably include recipes and all of the fun things and not so fun things that happen on my journey! So, that's it for now!!

Be Blessed,
